Beta Club has the pledge for the month of November – HS Betas please make sure you check the schedule on the bulletin board and show up on your assigned time.
Deadline to register for the December 14th ACT is Friday, November 8th.
The Beta Club Scholarship is now open! Deadline is January 8th. There are 3 different scholarships you may apply for: Missouri Beta Council, Missouri State University and TRC. Please see me if you would like to apply!
Our Annual Veterans Day assembly will take place next Thursday, November 7th at 2:00 p.m. Practice will be 3rd hour today, please check in with your teacher ASAP and go to the Auditorium.
Our Junior High Girls and Boys Basketball teams will play here tonight against Campbell starting at 5:00 p.m., the following junior stand workers should be here by 4:15 p.m., they are: Claire Bean, Ella Jane Lemings, Landynn Hodges, and Yakelin Cardenas
Our Junior High Girls Basketball team will play here on Monday against Kennett at 6:00 p.m., the following Junior Stand workers should be here on MONDAY (11/4) at 5:15 p.m., they are: Clifford Sawyer, Stephen Bradshaw, and Sam Jacobs.
Our Junior High Boys Basketball team will play at Gideon on Monday (11/3) at 6:00 p.m.
Anyone who is interested in attending Murray State University, please see Mrs. McClendon. She has a fee waiver for the application that is valid until November 3rd.
We would like to wish good luck to AJ Fisher, Issac Mercado, and Harmony White as they participate in the Quad State High School Honor Choir this weekend.
Seniors that are interested in the NUCOR Internship Program, please see Mrs. McClendon. The early deadline is November 15th.
All District Band Auditions will be this coming Tuesday (11/5) in Jackson, MO. Students will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m. to participate.
Our FFA/FCCLA Barnwarming Dance will next Friday, November 8th from 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. in the AG Shop. Sign up list is on the bulletin board. This dance is for only members of FFA/FCCLA unless someone from either club signs you up. Deadline to sign up is Thursday, November 7th. If you are bringing a date from another school you need to make sure that you fill out an out of district guest form – those are due by the end of the day today.
A list of high demand jobs are posted outside the counselor’s office.
We would like to wish a very Happy Birthday to Payson Ward, she has a birthday over the weekend!
Today concludes Red Ribbon week! We have one more drug fact/question. Yesterday winners: Anna Hernandez and Phillip Maynard!
Today’s Question: This drug is highly addictive and can be as hard to quit as heroin or cocaine. It can take as little as eight seconds for this drug to reach the brain, and teens can become addicted within a day of first use. This drug can harm the brain, especially in young people whose brains are still developing. It can also increase the risk of heart attack by raising blood pressure and increasing heart rate. This drug is found in all tobacco products, including cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, and most e-cigarettes.